Monday, January 28, 2013

Inherent Leader Risks:  Men vs. Women 

Interestingly, the overall leadership characteristics as measured by our CDR Leadership Character Assessment between male and women leaders are remarkably similar which means that both sexes are quite capable of leader posts at the highest levels. 

However, we found some statistically significant differences in comparing data of male and female leaders with the CDR Leadership Risk Assessment instrument.  What we found was that under pressure or conflict, women leaders tended to default to a “Worrier” mode while their male leader counterparts tended to exhibit traits as “Egotists, Upstagers & Rule Breakers.”  Bottom line, under adversity and conflict, the averages showed many women leaders dig in, over-analyze and re-review which moves them away from the pressure while the men leaders fight and stand their ground, albeit in forceful and overly aggressive ways.   

So, under duress and conflict, many of the women are not perceived as “fighters” or as courageous because they do not go into fight mode as frequently as the male leaders do.  This, obviously, has some impact on perceptions of who is most capable.

However, most stunning is that false perceptions and erroneous stereotypes hurt women leaders far more than men.  Below are two examples of what we found:

Example #1

Respondents say that women (85%), not men (5%), are the more EMOTIONAL sex (Pew Leadership Research Survey, Aug 25, 2008)

What the CDR Assessment profile data results says:

CDR Scale Title
Women Leaders
Averaged Score
Men Leaders
Averaged Scores
What does this mean?
•        There are no significant differences between the “emotionality” of men and women. 
•        How “emotionality” is expressed varies. 
•        How “emotionality” is judged or perceived is frequently based on gender bias.
•        For women, emotionality is often confused with Interpersonal Sensitivity or Nurturing/Caring and Relationship Building capability.
•        Emotionality of male leaders is often associated with anger, impatience, etc. and is considered within accepted norms.  Secondly, men are more likely to hide “emotionality” better.


Example #2

Respondents rate women as more MANIPULATIVE than men by 52 to 26 percent.    (Pew Survey, 2008)
What the CDR Assessment profile data results says:

CDR Scale Title
Women Leaders
Averaged Score
Men Leaders
Averaged Scores
False Advocate   
Rule Breaker
What does this mean?
•        False Advocate is higher for women leaders so there will be more inclination to complain behind the scenes; can manifest as the “martyr” or victim syndrome.
•        Men leaders may manipulate or “jockey for position” in bolder ways due to Rule Breaking and Inquisitive scores
•        However, the drastic 52 to 26% different rating in the Pew Survey is not supported by the CDR data and is perhaps exaggerated by biased perceptions.

 CDR Assessment Study:  Men Leaders N=120; Women Leaders N=111; samples of leaders from 26 Companies

We have more representative data showing that it is the unconscious bias holding women back far more than performance or capability.  It is time to begin communicating and challenging how people think about shared traits of men and women.  I'd be glad to send you a chart from my presentation given at an ASTD and WBCS conferences titled:  “Risk Factors that Impact Women in Leadership” that illustrates the damaging, yet different perceptions that often stem from the same leadership risk behavior.  

For aspiring women leaders, great performance alone won’t likely get you there. 

Gayle -- thanks for posting on this critically important leadership dilemma on LinkedIn.


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