Tuesday, December 4, 2012

CDR Kicks Off the New Year with Selection Screening and Coaches' Certification Workshops 
1644 S. Denver Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74119
Executive Coaching Feedback Certification Using CDR's 3-D Suite
January 8 - 9, 2013 - Tulsa, OK

Participants will learn how to interpret CDR's proprietary assessment tools and apply the knowledge gained during practice coaching feedback sessions with "real life" case studies/profiles.  Internal and external coaches learn how to provide the most insightful, accurate and productive feedback for leader clients.  Providing feedback with CDR's 3-D Suite™ which measures a leader's character, drivers and risk factors.  Once certified, coaches can enable leaders to fast forward the process and move into productive developmental and performance paths immediately. 
  • Prerequisite - Complete CDR 3-D Suite™ and receive one-to-one coaching feedback session (2.5 hours) with assessment results prior to the workshop
  • Two-day workshop, training manuals, actual case studies
  • Post-workshop review and complimentary practice Suite 
To register contact: ask@cdr-u.com
Consultants & HR Specialists Selection Screening Using CDR Assessments
January 10 - 11, 2013 - TULSA, OK

Participants will learn how to interpret CDR's proprietary tools to enhance employee selection and promotional decisions.   Key takeaways will include: orientation to personality and motivational assessments for selection screening, basics of job analysis, designs of effective screening processes, enhancing interviews based on CDR results, understanding best-fit job candidates, interpreting results, EEO/diversity implications, and more.

Who should attend:
  • HR Managers, Staffing Managers, Talent Management Leaders
  • Executive Coaches/Consultants
  • Employment Recruiters concerned with true fitness of recruits
To register contact: ask@cdr-u.com  
In the fast-paced, competitive business environment, our goal is to provide individuals with the tools necessary to maximize their professional potential through a creative and thought-provoking experience.  Our coaching focuses on rapid results, shaving up to two years off the development cycle.  You won't get sugar-coated feedback sessions from our coaches, rather an eye-opening experience.   At CDR Assessment Group, our clients are taken beyond their comfort zones to become more effective and productive leaders. 

How are you preparing for the next level of success?
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